National Indie Radio (WNIR) Announces 'Songs for Heroes,' A Radio Special Honoring Our Veterans and Essential Workers . BWH Music Group is proud to announce World National Indie Radio's 'Songs for Heroes' Radio Special. World National Indie Radio (WNIR) will spin songs by independent artists in multiple genres honoring our nation's heroes. Join WNIR and Independent artists from around the world as we thank our veterans and essential workers for their dedication, courage, and service. Just in time for Memorial Day weekend, 'Songs for Heroes" Radio Secial will air every evening on World National Indie Radio (WNIR) at 7:00 p.m. [Eastern Time] from May 17 - June 1st.

Featuring Special Guests - The Union of Sinners & Saints
'Songs for Heroes' will feature world renowned band, Union of Sinners & Saints. With over 15 million in album sales, 27 #1 Songs, and fifteen Grammy nominations between them, John Schlitt of Petra and Billy Smiley of White Heart, the top 2 Christian Rock groups of all time, always seems to have something going on. It is that constant motion and creative diversity that has fueled their latest project, The Union of Sinners & Saints, a smashup of Petra and White Heart on the road and in the studio. The Union of Sinners & Saints song "Lone Solider" will open WNIR's 'Songs for Heroes' Radio Special.
Songs for Heroes Radio Special Lineup
The Union of Sinners and Saints - "Lone Soldier"
Tanner Gordon - "Baby You've Seen Too Much"
SAMSARA - "By Your Side"
Don McAvoy & The Great Whatever - "Hometown Hero"
Charles Maring - "Give You Strength"
Todd Barrow - "Gonna Drive"
Andrew Wellborn - "Born American Pride"
David Britton - "The Warrior"
Epikus - "The Stars and Stripes"
Greg C. Brown - "Building 7"
Eternally Yours - "Our Fight"
Mick J. Clark - "Soldier Boy"
Laura Dishong - "Heaven Can Wait"
Matt Cusson and Terron Brooks - "Stand Up Again"
The Vignatis - "Third Eye"
Nigel & Evan - "Fire"
Mind Body, & Soul - "Do It Right"
Charlie Alpha Papa - "Poison"
Abijah - "Global Wilderness"

'Songs For Heroes' Radio Special
The 'Songs for Heroes ' Radio Special will air every evening at 7:00 p.m., Eastern Time, from May17th - June 1st. Please visit WNIR's schedule for more information.
Fans can tune-in to World National Indie Radio online at or by downloading WNIR’s FREE Apps anytime and anywhere - WNIR is on iTunes and Android.
WNIR airs worldwide in 19 countries including the US, Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, the UK and more.
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#WNIR #SongsForHeroes #MemorialDayRadioSpecial #RadioShowHonoringHeroes #TheUnionOfSinnersAndSaints #TannerGordon #Samsara #DonMcAvoyAndTheGreatWhatever #CharlesMaring #ToddBarrow #AndrewWellborn #DavidBritton #Epikus #GregCBrown #EternallyYours #MickJClark #LauraDishong #MattCussonAndTerronBrooks #TheVignatis #NigelAndEvan #MindBodyAndSoul #CharlieAlphaPapa #Abijah