“We Shall Overcome” by Chakra Bleu Is Selected For BWH Music Group’s ‘On Peace Street,’ A Compilation Album Featuring Emerging and Exceptional Independent Artists Sharing Songs About Peace and Social Justice.
(Nashville, Tennessee)

About “We Shall Overcome” by Chakra Bleu
“We Shall Overcome” was first written to highlight the injustice in the Michael Brown Shooting, along with the many shootings that followed. The song, however, is not about hate - "We Shall Overcome" is a song of unity.
The song calls upon humanity to unify in Dignity, Freedom, Justice and Equality. Chakra Bleu is calling for everyone to follow the leaders who seek peace and not hate. The lyrics call out those who stoop down to ignite hatred calling them “cowards.” “We Shall Overcome” is a powerful song that Bleu believes speaks to the “99%”.
“Why not learn from histories past mistakes.” – Chakra Bleu, “We Shall Overcome”

About Chakra Bleu
Chart topping, Nashville artist, Chakra Bleu has been granted many awards throughout her career, including the “Arena Award. This award has been given to recipients such as Dolly Parton and Reba McEntire and is granted to artists who have contributed an inspiring presence in their community.
Chakra's music captures a fusion between genres such as Reggae, Americana, Pop-Rock and R&B. Bleu’s songs have been played across the US and Europe on Top 40, Country, A/C and AAA radio. She has also been in the spotlight of many showcases such as the Bluebird Cafe and BMI.
Chakra Bleu has released nine albums to date. All of her albums have had enormous success. Off her 7th album, the single "All of Me" charted #2 on the Top 40 as well as #1 on the Indie Top 40, holding for five weeks then onto #7 on the Top 100. The second single, "The Shadow," went to #4 on (NMW) Top 40. Off her 6th CD ‘Souvenir,’ five singles simultaneously bedazzled the charts.
For more information, please visit Chakra Bleu's website.
Connect with Chakra:
About BWH Music Group

BWH Music Group works with today’s best emerging independent artists to achieve common goals in sound and artist promotions offering Recording Services, Compilation Releases, Music Public Relations, and National Indie Radio. A sought-after post-production studio for emerging artists, “BWH Music Group has become synonymous with hosting some of the biggest and brightest young stars on their roster.” – Gas House Radio.
#ChakraBleu #ChakraBleuWeShallOvercome #OnPeaceStreet #BWHMusicGroup #2019PeaceSongs #2019SocialJusticeSongs