Someone Else's Girl Gives Vierwers A Glance Into How It Feels to Be A Number 2 Boyfriend

"Someone Elses Girl" off Tray Milz' album 21 is a song about the emotional complexities of being with someone who is not available because they are in a relationship with someone else. For Milz, this song is one of his most vulnerable and transparent. The relatable lyrics don't hold back on the explicit and promiscuousness details of the affair making the song extremely raw and honest.
During this time of his life, Milz found that there was something intriguing about being "the other guy," but over time the relatoinship grew tired. A song for the millenium, the lyrics and arrangement of "Someone Else's Girl" were written by Tray Milz aka Tray Milton, and the music was written by Dylan Allen.
"All that I wanted was your affection You ain’t want love you wanted attention Maybe that’s something he couldn’t give you Anything else that you’d like to mention? Don’t you know you’re someone else’s girl Don’t you know you’re someone else’s girl"

About Tray Milz
Hailing from Savannah, Tray Milz was born Trayron Lennoris Milton Jr. Tray entered the R&B game to bring raw, relatable, and catchy melodies to this millennium. His artistry takes you to the pop side of R&B and exudes a melodic mood to rhythm and blues. The young singer-songwriter draws his inspiration from the likes of Chris Brown, Usher, and Trey Songz. Tray has dabbled in all areas of entertainment. Modeling in New York Fashion Week, having been spotted in a few films, and touring with the acts of Mindless Behavior and OMG Girlz—as a backup dancer at just the age of 14—makes this, now 21 year-old, prodigy no stranger to the business. Leaving the young artist with no choice, but to explore his other passion and step into the music realm.
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